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You Are Made New

in the Eyes of God

A Place Where Former Prisoners Can Reconnect

With God

At Christian Home Ministries of Nashville, Inc., we operate two transitional homes for ex-prisoners to provide them with a place:

  • That is open to men upon release from prison and are seeking a relationship with the Lord

  • That helps residents improve spiritually, physically, socially, and financially

  • That holds weekly interdenominational group Bible study for residents and mandatory attendance at the church of their choosing

  • Where each resident has a church as a sponsor and a mentor from a church committed to our mission and vision

  • That maintains financial credibility, assures active community involvement, and engages residents in a closer walk with Jesus Christ so that they can pursue God’s purpose for their lives

"Christian Home Ministries is a fine organization run by some real good Christian people who not only put forth great efforts to help and assist the guys they take in from prisons.  It's one of the best halfway houses a person can be in.  It tops all the rest because they have great mentors, Christian people running it and they go beyond the call of duty helping us guys in our walk of life back into society."

Eunice H.   Former Resident


Christian Home Ministries of Nashville, Inc. shall accept men of any race, nationality, or ethnic origin

 as residents to the Home. 

Each applicant is considered on an individual basis. 

We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality, or ethnic origin.


Please send us your mail at P.O. Box 1341, Brentwood, Tennessee 37027 or email us at

Admissions Process

1. The candidate will contact the Home Manager at

615-582-9703 or for an application to the Home.

2. Upon receipt of the application, it is reviewed and the selected candidate will be contacted. A $150 deposit is required upon acceptance to the Home.

3. Upon arrival, the candidate completes an intake session with the Home Shepherd to review the handbook. The search for a mentor and church home then begins.

4. Unless full-time employed, residents are required to complete Project Return.


Our Locations

Address 1:

339 E. Thompson Lane

Nashville, Tennessee 37211

Address 2:

406 Glengarry Drive

Nashville, Tennessee 37217


Click here to email us for more information or to send an application.

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